Helpful Words

Species of animal that links to current people
Tool Use
creation and use of tools to do everyday chores.
Oldowan Tradition
Literally "Old Man"; First known stone tools emerging 2.6 mya
Acheulean Tradition
Stone-tool tradition that emerged 1.76 mya and lasted until 300,000 kya
Grinding Stones
Mousterian Tradition
The step between The Acheulean Tradition and The Levallois Technique. Many scholars no longer look at this time period as a full gap.
Levallois Technique
The stone tool-making Levallois technique involves preparing a raw block of stone by striking pieces off the edges until it is shaped something like a turtle shell: flat on the bottom and humped on the top.K.Kris Hirst
Hominid Species
Basic Information
Species Time Period Tool Use Location
h.habilis 1.7-1.9 mya simple stone tools, Oldowan Tradition Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
h. rudolfensis 1.8-1.9 mya possible Oldowan Tradition Kenya
h. georgicus 1.8 mya possible Oldowan Tradition Republic of Georgia
h. heidlebergensis 350-200 kya Acheulean Tradition Africa, Asia and Europe
h.ergaster 1.6 mya Acheulean Tradition Africa, Europe
h .erectus 1.8-.5 mya Acheulean Asia
h.neandertalensis 130 kya Levallois Technique Europe and Western Asia
h. denisova 40 kya Levallois Technique Siberia
h. sapiens 200 kya Modern World
h. florensiensis 18 kya Indonesia